City Rain serves the Seattle area and specializes in water conservation solutions to your landscape irrigation needs. We design and install new sprinkler systems, repair and remodel old ones, winterize and activate in the spring, drip solutions for pots, hanging baskets, and window boxes. We also install and service outdoor lighting. Call today.
Recent News

The Advantages of Netafim
What is Netafim anyway? Netafim is now a global company that pioneered drip irrigation back in the mid-1960s in Israel. Netafim is a brand name, but we sprinkler guys use the word as a common noun, like Kleenex or Q-tip. Netafim™Techline® is tubing made of rugged polyethylene plastic. Pressure compensating emitters are welded to the inside wall in spacings of 6″, 12”, 18”, and 24” apart. It comes in 12mm and 17mm diameter. We use the 12mm tubing with the […]
Maybe Your System Needs Years Of Therapy.
I was struck with an overwhelming feeling of empathy for my therapist the other day while inspecting an apartment complex’s irrigation system. I thought to myself, “There are so many things wrong here, it’s going to take years to fix!” Often irrigation systems, like children, begin life full of hope, potential, fully functional! Then over time neglect, abuse, apathy set in. Years go by with warning signs ignored. The system, like an impressionable adolescent, falls in with the wrong crowd. […]

Tips For The Do-It-Yourselfer: DON’T!
The reason I discourage people from doing their own sprinkler work is because I care deeply about them. Valve boxes may contain deadly snakes, spiders, and baby alligators. Valve control wires carry thousands of volts of lethal electricity that will kill you dead if you even look at them wrong. Hundreds of people lose an eye every year attempting to nozzle dangerously high-pressure pop-up heads. Many more lose fingers by accidentally gluing them onto PVC pipe. Okay, so maybe none […]